It may be worth thinking about the fact that the average American spends around three hours each week on the toilet. However, that statistic does not take into account the fact that today more than ever we are using our time in the smallest room in the house to surf news sites, catch up on social media postings, and generally take our place in the fast lane of the information superhighway.
And this time can affect our health. Anything from back and leg pain can be caused by uncomfortable bathroom seats.
The good news is that a new generation of padded toilet seats can make our time sitting on the toilet much more pleasant – and healthier. If you are in the market for a padded toilet seat here are some great choices as rated by consumers and experts.
1. The Mayfair 13EC006 Soft Seat.
This padded toilet seat is consistently rated highly for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’ll fit most round toilets which can make shopping around a thing of the past, secondly, it’s made with ecologically friendly materials and thirdly it’s incredibly comfortable. It also offers great value for money at around $36.
2. The Dorigan Home Service Soft Toilet Seat.
Removing a toilet seat is something that most people don’t think about, but this soft toilet seat makes it easy. That means that you can ensure that your toilet remains hygienic. INstallation is another plus. all you need is a screwdriver and your toilet seat will be installed in minutes. It’s another seat that offers incredible cushioning and comfort. You’ll be paying around $40.
3. The Achim TOVYSTNY04 Fantasia Standard Toilet Seat.
The nylon screws are perfect for easy installation and adjustment – and everything you need to install is included in the package. The vinyl seat cover is durable and offers not only comfort but also warmth – important on those chilly winter nights.
Vinyl also means that it is easy to clean. Some household detergent and warm water are all that is required. It’s also available in a number of colors so matching it to the existing bathroom decor is easy. You can expect to pay under 30 dollars.
4. The Trendy Heavy Duty Padded Seat.
This is a great choice for larger families where the toilet needs to put up with heavy-duty use. It’s got that easy to care for and soft (but heavy-duty) vinyl padding – but it also boasts a wooden core for strength. It also got durable stainless steel screws and is UV resistant and boasts anti-microbial properties for added peace of mind as far as hygiene is concerned.
Each of the quality padded toilet seats that are today on the market offer superior comfort and a variety of health benefits. This is becoming increasingly important as people are spending more time on the toilet. However, consumers should be aware that many of these toilet seats do not boast the longevity of the hard seat options.
They will have to be replaced more often. Given that they are available at a variety of price points this should not present an insurmountable barrier to purchase for those looking for that extra level of luxury. More at